Journey Toward Peace Journey Toward Peace

Child Mental Health

A Guide to Paying for Therapeutic Boarding School or Residential Treatment for Your Child

If you have a child that is really struggling in school, at home, or making bad choices in social situations, and you are considering a therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center, it can be overwhelming. The first thoughts are often, how will you possibly pay for it and how much will it cost. I work with parents every day that are faced with this challenge and I make the following suggestions so parents understand what options are available.

Parenting, Child Mental Health, ,

How to Find the Best Therapeutic Program for Your Child: A Guide for Parents

If you are a parent considering a therapeutic program for your child, it can be overwhelming! There are so many programs available. It is difficult to get much information from a school’s website, because often programs have similar information posted. However, each program has its own personality and speciality, just as each child has a unique personality and talents. Journey Toward Peace helps parents of struggling adolescents/teens find a program that is best for their specific needs and individual situations.

Parenting, Child Mental Health,

10 Tips for Visiting Therapeutic Programs for Your Troubled Teen

An onsite visit will help you evaluate whether a particular therapeutic program is a good fit for your child and your family. Below are 10 tips to consider when visiting: Learn about the program prior to your visit. Check out the program’s website. If you are visiting multiple programs, make sure to have notes available to refresh your memory about each just before you arrive. Reserve time to spend at least a half day at each location.

Parenting, Child Mental Health,

Trauma and Healing: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Adolescent Mental Health

When speaking with mental health professionals, the discussion often involves trauma as a factor in mental health and addiction. The research from ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Study, indicates that the long-lasting effects of childhood trauma is significant. The need to uncover the underlying trauma is critical in treating addiction and mental illness successfully. It is very important for clients to have a safe therapeutic environment, so they will be able to reveal their trauma history, and start the healing process.

Parenting, Child Mental Health,

The Benefits of a Therapeutic Boarding School for Troubled Teens

Therapeutic boarding schools are residential facilities designed to house struggling teens or adolescents while they get intensive, ongoing help with a range of issues. The benefits of a therapeutic school are many, because the facilities provide everything a teen, and their family, need to support recovery. It may seem drastic for parents to place their child in a boarding school, but often it is the best solution for the family. It is important for a family to compare therapeutic boarding school programs, because they offer different programs for therapy, academics, and family involvement.

Parenting, Child Mental Health,