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Teen Mental Health

Exploring the Benefits of Program Visits for Parents of Troubled Teens

Since the beginning of 2019, I have been traveling a lot! I have made it a priority to visit as many programs as I possibly can, so that I can learn as much as possible about how things are changing and how treatments are evolving. I feel it is important for me to really get to know different programs–the facility, the ammenities, the staff, even the food provided. Each has something that makes it different than the others.

Parenting, Teen Mental Health,

Comprehensive Program Descriptions for Teens with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

After visiting a wide range of therapeutic programs, families can rely on an IECA member to guide them through the critical process of finding the right program for their child. The level of placement recommendation is determined by a very thorough process that includes the independent educational consultant working with the family, records review, and speaking with professionals that are involved with the case. Listed below are program descriptors for the continuum of care that is available.

Teen Mental Health, Parenting,

Understanding and Addressing Adolescent Porn Addiction

Studies indicate that for many, sexual problematic behavior first begins during the adolescent years. According to Youth First, the average age of a child the first time they see internet pornography is 11 years. Some studies indicate the actual age may be as young as 7 years. Early intervention is essential for avoiding a lifetime of future problems from untreated compulsive sexual behavior. Psychotherapy and the development of values-based characteristics are key aspects to treating these issues in teens and young children.

Teen Mental Health, Parenting,

The Emotional ABCs of Parents of a Struggling Adolescent or Teen

If you are a parent of a struggling child, you may be reeling with emotions. You are NOT alone! Many parents have been in the same position and find themselves seeking the assistance of an Educational Consultant. Some of the emotions parents say they feel… Angry Battered Confused Desparate Embarrassed Frustrated Guilt Ridden Hopeless Isolated Jittery Kicked in the gut Lost Mad Nervous Overwhelmed Powerless Questioning options Resentful Scared Traumatized

Parenting, Teen Mental Health,

Willing to Do Whatever it Takes: A Parent's Journey to Help Their Struggling Teen

I was watching an episode of Dr. Phil the other day, and is often the case, the show was about an out of control teen and the resulting chaos within the family. I have to be honest, I am sucked in to these particular stories, because of my own experience with an out of control teen. I have such empathy for the families and the teens. I must admit, I have a tendency to compare the situation I was in, with the stories I am watching.

Parenting, Teen Mental Health,

Understanding Self-Harm: What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know

What is self-harm? Why would anyone hurt themselves? What do you do if someone you care about is self-harming? Understanding self-harm is difficult for most people. Often, those engaging in self -harm, keep it a secret, because it causes them to feel shame and they are afraid of the reaction they will get if they share it with someone. The behavior is quite common with adolescents and young adults. Self-harm is confusing to parents and if they discover their child is self-harming, they don’t know how to react and don’t know how to deal with it properly.

Teen Mental Health, Parenting,

Setting Boundaries with Your Troubled Teen: A Guide for Parents

Setting boundaries with our children is one of the most important things we can do for them. It is our responsibility as parents. However, setting firm boundaries with our children, especially our teen children, is very difficult! We have to follow some basic rules when setting boundaries for our children, as well as others: Know your limits and your expectations. If you feel strongly about certain things such as academics, chores, peer relationships, etc.

Parenting, Teen Mental Health,